Carry Project Ally on your iPhone or access even more Project Ally capabilities on your iPad.
- Go to the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and download/install the free FileMaker Go App.
- Open the FileMaker Go App
- Click on the “Hosts” button. Click on “Add Host”. Enter the Host Address (your solution must be hosted with FileMaker Server or with a FileMaker hosting provider or use a copy of your solution). Enter the Host Name.
- Put in the file name (which will be something like ProjectAlly.fmp12 but contain the name of your organization).
- Enter User Name & Password then click Go or Next (Not Log In as Guest)
Once you have the file open you can click on the tabs at the top to look at Projects, Contacts, Staff and Tracking.
In the Project tab, access Project Photos, Staff Assigned to Projects, the Project Directory, Project Tasks and Project Schedule (broken down by Phases and Services).
In the Contacts and Staff tab, click on the gray icons to the right of contact information to email someone, go to Google Maps, view a website or make a phone call.
In the Tracking tab, view or enter Direct Project Time (broken down by Phases and Services), Indirect Time, and Staff Expenses.
If you click on “Devices” at the bottom center of your iPhone screen in the FileMaker Go app, feel free to clear out the following files that came with the app (Assets, Contacts, Content Management, Invoices) because they are not necessary for using Project Ally.
Project Ally can be accessed on an iPad too with the same instructions for the iPhone, however, there is access to more capabilities on the iPad.