Use this file to create and keep track of invoices for your clients. The Invoicing database allows you to bill a client for lump sum architectural services, hourly architectural services, consultant services and reimbursable expenses. Project information is looked up from the Project section and client information is obtained from the Contact section (Project Owner), and each item billed is stored in one of four Line Item files (Lump Sum, Hourly, Consultant or Reimbursable Expenses). Integratis keeps track of items completed, items billed, fees received and amounts due. The Invoice file ties all this information into a single form which you may print. Create a new record for each invoice you wish to create for each project.
Recommendation: Before creating an invoice, make sure that all timesheets, expense reports, project budgets and prior invoices that provide related information to the invoice are checked over and “locked.” It is difficult and risky to go back and change data later. Information would no longer be reconciled.
Invoice Tabs
Invoice Directory
The Invoice Directory filters projects by Active / Archived and Office In Charge. To find a project, filter the project list and click the gray arrow button. To find the Active vs. Archived status for a project, go to Projects button > Project Information heading. On the far right side are three radio buttons: Archived, Active or Marketing Only (only one may be selected). The radio button indicates the projects Active Status (see Integratis Help Topic Project Information for more information).
List of Invoices / Project Summary
List of Invoices is a list of all the invoices created for a project. Project Summary is a summary of activity on the last invoice. (Therefore, if Lump Sum Fees were not billed on the the last invoice, Lump Sum Fee information will not be summarized here.) To create a new invoice, click the “+” button and then the Business: Invoice - Lump Sum Detail tab will appear (see Lump Sum Detail below for more information.
Payment Status
Payment Status summarizes the Amount Due, Fees Received and Amount Unpaid for Lump Sum Fees, Hourly Services, Consultant Services and Reimbursable Expenses for each invoice. After an invoice is sent and fees are received, then enter the amounts received for each item in the white boxes under Fees Received. Enter the date the fees were received in the Date Payment Received box at the top of the tab. Print the Invoice by choosing the printer symbol either on the Billing Information & Notes tab or on the Payment Status tab above the Amount Due.
Billing Information & Notes
To select the Billing Contact Name, click in the Billing Contact field and choose a name from the pop-up list. If the desired contact does not appear in the list, be sure the Company and Contact are entered under Contacts. Once a Billing Contact Name has been selected, the related company or organization mailing information will appear in the Organization Information field. Invoice Number and Invoice Total fields are calculated fields and may not be altered. Contract Date field information is that same as the Contract Date given in Projects. The current date is automatically entered into Invoice Date (it may be edited). The Additional Contract Notes field is for notes that are project specific listed on the invoice. The Invoice Notes field are for notes that are project and invoice specific list on the invoice. Print the Invoice by choosing the printer symbol either on the Billing Information & Notes tab or on the Payment Status tab above the Amount Due.
Lump Sum Detail
The Current Project Phase Progress box in the upper left hand corner lists the current project phase progress and the current percent complete as entered by the project manager either by choosing Projects button > Project Management > Phase Information tab and entering a percentage or by clicking the gray arrow button to take you to the fee proposal form where a percentage may be entered.
If the Current Project Phase Progress box is blank or incorrect, then Fee Proposal information must be filled out or edited first in the Fee Proposal file to establish the correct phases for the project. If the proper phase information is showing, click on the red arrow in each portal row for the phase you wish to bill. The phase information is transferred to the Phases to Invoice box in the upper right hand corner. If you wish, change the percent to bill for this invoice by altering the percentage in the white box. To see detail information about each phase, click on the triangle button so it turns pointing down. The Phase Invoice History shows in the box at the bottom detailing the Invoice Number Suffix, total Compensation for the phase, percentage complete to date, the percentage billed to date, the amount billed to date and the percent not billed. In addition, it shows the percent and amount billed for that invoice.
Hourly Detail
The Current Project Hourly Progress box in the upper left hand corner lists the current number of hours attributed to the project by each staff member. If the Current Project Hourly Progress box is blank or incorrect, then Timesheet information must be filled out or edited (choose Tracking button > Timesheet to see directory of Timesheets). If the proper hourly information is showing, click on the red arrow in each portal row for the hours you wish to bill. The hourly information is transfered to the Hours to Invoice box in the upper right hand corner. If you wish, change the number of hours to bill for this invoice by altering the number in the white box. To see detail information about each staff person whose hours have been invoiced, click on the triangle button so it turns pointing down. The Hours Per Staff Invoice History shows in the box at the bottom detailing the Invoice Number Suffix, Staff Name, Billing Rate, Hours to Date, Hours Billed to Date, and Hours Unbilled. In addition, it shows the hours and amount billed for that invoice.
Consultant Fee Detail
The Current Consultant Progress box in the upper left hand corner lists the current consultant progress and the current percent complete as entered by the project manager either by choosing Projects button > Project Management > Consultant Information tab and entering a percentage or by clicking the gray arrow button to take you to the fee proposal form where a percentage may be entered.
If the Current Consultant Progress box is blank or incorrect, then Fee Proposal information must be filled out or edited first in the Fee Proposal file to establish the correct phases for the project. If the proper consultant progress information is showing, click on the red arrow in each portal row for the phase you wish to bill. The consultant progress information is transferred to the Progress to Invoice box in the upper right hand corner. If you wish, change the percent to bill for this invoice by altering the percentage in the white box. To see detail information about each consultant, click on the triangle button so it turns pointing down. The Consultant Fee Invoice History shows in the box at the bottom detailing the Invoice Number Suffix, total Compensation, percentage complete to date, the percentage billed to date, the amount billed to date and the percent not billed. In addition, it shows the percent and amount billed for that invoice.
Reimbursables Detail
The Current Reimbursable Expenses box in the upper left hand corner lists the current reimbursable expenses attributed to the project by category. Travel expenses (mileage and parking/tolls) are broken out and shown on the last line, “Travel”. If the Current Reimbursable Expenses box is blank or incorrect, then Reimbursable Expense information must be filled out or edited (choose Tracking button > Reimbursable Expense to see directory of Reimbursable Expense Reports). If the proper reimbursable expense information is showing, click on the red arrow in each portal row for the reimbursable expenses you wish to bill. The reimbursable expense information is transferred to the Expenses to Invoice box in the upper right hand corner. If you wish, change the amount to bill for this invoice by altering the amount in the white box. To see detail information about each type of reimbursable expense that has been invoiced, click on the triangle button so it turns pointing down. The Reimbursable Expense Invoice History shows in the box at the bottom detailing the Invoice Number Suffix, Expenses to Date, Expenses Billed to Date and Expenses Unbilled. In addition, it shows the Expenses, Mark Up amount, Total amount and percent Mark Up for that invoice.
To print the invoice, choose the printer symbol either on the Billing Information & Notes tab or on the Payment Status tab above the Amount Due column. To print the fees received report, choose the printer symbol on the Payment Status tab above the Fees Received column.