Project Information has project specific information: Sort Criteria, Project Descriptions, Project Data, Staff Involvement and Consultants Involved. Create a record for each project done by your firm.
To create a new Project record, choose Projects tab > “New” in the gray menu bar at the top of your screen. A blank record will appear.
Project Detail
Project Info
In the Project Information box, enter the Project/Commission Number, Project Manager, Project Name, Short Project Description and Project Location, Contract Date (contract with Owner), Substantial Completion Date (or current estimate of substantial completion) and Office in Charge by clicking in field. Be sure to designate whether the project is Active or Archived (inactive) or Marketing Only. Marketing Only is a project listing that exists for marketing purposes only. For example, Smith House Phase I may be an “archived” project, Smith House Phase II may be an “active” project and Smith House Phases I & II may be a “marketing only” project which combines two project listings for marketing purposes only.
Click in check boxes under Client Type, Construction Type, Project Type, and Architectural Services and click on Domestic or Foreign radio button to designate characteristics of project. Please note that sort criteria is printed in the order in which it is checked off. If the printed list is not in the order you desire, uncheck all of the criteria under that type to clear field, and then recheck the boxes in the order you wish to see them. To edit sort criteria lists, see important information in Integratis Help section Settings & Help about Value Lists.
There are four different sizes of project descriptions available (short description, main description, medium length description and brief description) to allow for different lengths and variety. Short Description is used with the Project Name as a title to describe the project or projects client (i.e., “Addition & Renovation” or “Town of Smithville”). You’ll want to be consistent. Main Description is used for your longest version of a description. Medium Description is an abbreviated description when space is tight. Brief Description is a one-liner that needs to be more descriptive than Short Description (i.e. if Short Description is “Addition & Renovation” then Brief Description could be “10,000 SF Renovation and 15,000 SF Addition”). Awards Description is used to describe all the awards and accolades your project has received. Minority Participation Description is used to describe minority participation on the project for marketing purposes.
Project Data
Click in Owner’s Budget, Winning Bid, A/E Estimate, Number of Change Orders, Cost of Change Orders, Sitework, to add construction cost data. Budget Difference is calculated by dividing Owner’s Budget by Winning Bid. Total Cost is calculated by adding the Winning Bid and Cost of Change Orders together. The “pencil” graphic next to the Number of Change Orders and the Cost of Change Orders fields means that the calculated information from the Change Orders file has been manually overwritten (manual overwriting is helpful for estimating information). Estimate Difference is calculated by dividing A/E Construction Estimate by the Total Cost. Construction Cost is calculated by subtracting Sitework from Total Cost. Square Foot Cost is calculated by dividing Construction Cost by Gross Square Foot.
Click in the Construction Start Date, Construction End (Completed) Date, Owner’s Project Number, Building Type (i.e. 2A), Gross Square Foot, Number of Floors and Percent Responsibility (for Federal Standard Forms) to add miscellaneous project data. Click in Participation Type and Profile Code to add Profile Codes for Federal Standard Forms 330 Question 10.
Click in Gross Fees to add Gross Fees amount. If there is information related to this project in Fee Proposals, Integratis will calculated that information and show total amount here. However, if you do not want to use the calculated amount, just type in a new amount (if you delete new amount, the calculated number will show again). If there is no related data in Fee Proposals, just type in Gross Fee amount. The “pencil” graphic next to Gross Fees means that the calculated information from the Fee Proposals file has been manually overwritten (manual overwriting is helpful for estimating information).
Enter estimated and actual planning and construction schedule duration in month increments. Designate Complete, In-Planning, Under Construction or On-Hold for finding purposes by clicking on appropriate radio button.
Use the File Storage Location(s) field for describing where paper files are located such as a flat file drawer, storage boxes in a store room, etc.
Staff Involved
Enter all staff that have experience on selected project. Staff information is stored in the Staff file and Staff/Project relationships are stored in the SInvolve file. Click yellow “+” to add a new Staff/Project relationship. A pop-up list of Staff will appear (unless there is no information in the Staff database). Enter project role and a brief role description (for use on resume that uses role description instead of project description).
Consultants Involved
Consultants shown in this list are read-only. To add a consultant to the list use the Budgeting tab.
Graphic Images is a file that may store either actual images or links to images. Click the “plus sign” to create a new Graphic Image line item. An “Insert Picture” message box appears. Select the desired image and “Store only a reference to file” check box (if desired). Fill in the Graphic Name and Graphic Description. Choose the proper orientation description of the picture. When you are finished, choose either the “Back” button or “Graphic List” in the upper right hand corner. If you wish to substitute a picture later, click in the picture field and click your delete key. Then choose Insert menu > Picture... to open “Insert Picture” message box.