Use this file to keep track of staff time. Be sure that desired type of timesheet (Bi-Month or Two Weeks) has been selected under Integratis button > Preferences > Program Values tab. Create a new record for every time period for every staff person. To create a new Timesheet go to Tracking main menu button > select “NEW”. A new data entry layout will appear; enter Staff ID and Begin Period Date. A new timesheet with the staff person’s name and the time period dates will appear.
To enter time for projects and associated phases, select the “plus sign’” at the upper right hand corner of the timesheet. Select a project from the pop-up list of active projects (if list is blank add projects in Projects database and be sure that active projects are marked active) and then click phase number (on the same line as the project just selected) to activate pop-up list of phases associated with project (if list is blank add phases in Project Budget) and select the appropriate phase number. Next, enter time worked in appropriate date column. For indirect time (office, job development, sick leave, vacation, holiday or professional activities) just enter time in appropriate row and date column. Make any appropriate notes in Indirect Time Notes to explain use of indirect time (such as attending conference, training session, etc.).
Only users with the Principal, Associate and Business Administrator password may change the “Lock” radio button to either lock or unlock a timesheet.