Staff has staff specific information: General Information including Work Information, Home Information and Employment Information, Resume Information, Project Experience (both experience with this current firm and experience prior to working with this firm) and Staff Reminders. Some of the information is password protected. Create a record for each staff person in your firm.
To create a new Staff record, choose Staff tab at the top of window > “New” in the gray menu at the top of your screen. A blank record will appear. Fill in the Staff Information as described below.
Staff List
Shows a list of all the active staff. Click on a name to access Staff Detail information. To view a list of Staff marked Inactive, choose “Show All” at the top of your screen (this button is password protected and not accessible by all users).
Staff Detail
Contact Information
Work Information includes Initials, Given Name (i.e. John Robert), Formal Name (i.e. John R., J. Robert, J. R.), Last Name, Personal Title, Suffix, Nick Name (automatically enters first name if left blank), Gender, Business Title, HOme Office, Discipline, Phone or Extension, Office Mobile Phone, Office Pager, Office Email and Photo (under 50k).
Home Information includes: Home Address, City, State, Postal Code, Home Email Address, Home Phone, Home Mobile Phone, Spouse, Emergency Contact, Emergency Phone and Miscellaneous Notes (for noting children’s names, etc).
Employment Information
Employment Information (this section is password protected) includes: Staff ID, Manager, Typical Role, Billing Rate, Salary, Vacation Hours, Sick Leave Hours, Date of Hire, Last Day (date of termination), Next Review, Social Security Number, Type (i.e. Full Time, Part Time, Contractor, Temporary) and Active Status (Active or Inactive). For Billing Rate, select rate from pop-up list. To edit sort criteria lists, see important information in Integratis Help section Settings & Help about Value Lists. Billing Rate information is not related to Fee Proposal billing rates for lump sum items. Billing Rate information is related to Hourly Services Items in Invoices file as a auto-entry calculation.
Resume Information
Resume Information contains fields for additional information Staff, used mainly for marketing purposes. Fields include: Years Experience With Other Firms, Years Experience With This Firm (calculated using Date of Hire), Years Experience Total (calculated by adding Years with Other Firms and Years With This Firm), License Information, Active Registration, Education, and Discipline Titles. Discipline Titles vary per staff person depending on marketing proposal form type (i.e. federal forms, state forms). For each form type used, select discipline titles that most closely describe staff’s discipline. To enter a title click on field to activate pop-up list.
Project Experience
The Project Experience list contains both experience with this current firm and experience prior to working with this firm. To add a project experience while working with this firm, choose the Projects button at the top of the window > Find the desired project > choose the Staff Involved tab > Click yellow “starburst” to add a new Staff/Project relationship. A pop-up list of Staff will appear (unless there is no information in the Staff database). Enter project role and a brief role description (for use on resume that uses role description instead of project description).To add a project experience while working for another firm, choose Staff button at the top of window > New Prior Exp. under the Functions heading on the left hand side of window. A blank record will appear. Fill in the Prior Experience - Project Information as described below.
Prior Experience
Project / Owner Information
Enter the following project information: Project Name, Short Project Description and Project Location, Architectural Firm Name, Contract Date (contract with Owner) and Substantial Completion Date (or current estimate of substantial completion). Enter the following owner information (this information is NOT stored in the Contacts file): Project Administrator, Title, Organization, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Main Phone and Main Fax.
Staff Involved
Enter all staff that have experience on selected project. Click “+” to add a new Staff/Prior Experience relationship. A pop-up list of Staff will appear (unless there is no information in the Staff database). Enter project role and a brief role description (for use on resume that uses role description instead of project description).
Sort Criteria
Click in check boxes under Client Type, Construction Type, Project Type, and Architectural Services and click on Domestic or Foreign radio button to designate characteristics of project. Please note that sort criteria is printed in the order in which it is checked off. If the printed list is not in the order you desire, uncheck all of the criteria under that type to clear field, and then recheck the boxes in the order you wish to see them. To edit sort criteria lists, see important information in Integratis Help section Settings & Help about Value Lists. Click in the Project Examples and Letter(s) of Recommendation radio buttons to indicate if there are marketing materials available.
Construction Data / Descriptions
Click in Owner’s Budget, Winning Bid, A/E Estimate, Number of Change Orders, Cost of Change Orders, Percent Responsibility (for Federal Standard Forms), Site work, Building Type (i.e. 2A), Gross Square Foot, and Number of Floors to add construction data. Total Cost is calculated by adding the Winning Bid and Cost of Change Orders together. The “pencil” graphic next to the Number of Change Orders and the Cost of Change Orders fields means that the calculated information from the Change Orders file has been manually overwritten (manual overwriting is helpful for estimating information). Construction Cost is calculated by subtracting Sitework from Total Cost. Click in Profile Code to add Profile Codes for Federal Standard Forms. Enter estimated and actual planning and construction schedule durations in month increments. Enter Start Date for contract with Contractor. Designate Complete, In-Planning, Under Construction or On-Hold for finding purposes by clicking on appropriate radio button. Main Description is used for the project description.