Use this file to keep track of people you need to contact such as owners, prime contractors, consultants, vendors and more. The Contacts database contains information such as a contact’s name, phone number, and address. The file includes predefined reports for printing contact profiles, phone lists, mailing labels, etc.
To create a new Company record, choose Contacts > Contact Detail. Click on “New” at the top left of the page. A blank record will appear. Fill in the Contact Information as described below.
Integratis has six ways to view your Contact/Company information: Company Index, Company List, Company Detail, Contact Index, Contact List and Contact Detail. Select Company Index to see Companies sorted alphabetically. Choose a letter at the top of the directory to see companies that begin with that letter. Select Contact Index to see Contacts sorted alphabetically by their last name. Choose a letter at the top of the directory to see contacts whose last name begin with that letter. Select Company List to see Companies in your “found set”. To create a found set, choose “Find” in the gray menu bar, follow the prompts and enter your search criteria. See Integratis Help: Finding and Sorting for more information. Select Contact List to see Contacts in your “found set”. To create a found set, choose “Find” in the gray menu bar, follow the prompts and enter your search criteria. See Integratis Help: Finding and Sorting for more information.
To edit or see more information about the contact or company, click on the name. When you are finished, you may choose the “Back” button or navigate elsewhere.
To create a new Contact, first create a new company record and then in the Contact Info tab, create a new associated Contact. If your new contact is not with a company, just leave the Company name field blank.
Company Detail
Company Detail contains fields for Organization Name (it may be left blank if not applicable), Address, City, State, Postal Code, Main Phone, Main Fax, Web Address, Company Comments (to make notes about the Company) and Company Type. To create a new Company record, choose “New” from the gray menu bar at the top. A blank record will appear. Fill in the Company Detail information.
Contacts also contains a list of contacts associated with the Company. Click the “+” to create a new Contact line item. It will take you to the Contact Detail screen with the current company already associated with your new contact. To return to the Company Detail screen, use the green “back” button.
Correspondence keeps track of Faxes, Letters, Memos, Phone Call Minutes, Emails, etc. that are related to a company. Click the “+” to create a company-correspondence relationship. Fill in the the Contact, File Management Number, Correspondence Type, Project Number and Written By (by choosing the appropriate item from the lists) and the Date field fills in automatically with the current information (but may be changed). Choose the “Back” button when you are finished.
Firm Information
Firm Information contains fields for additional information about a firm, used mainly for consultants for marketing purposes. Fields include: Firm Description, Date Started, Years in Business (calculated using Date Started), Prior Firm Name / Years in Business, Parent Company Information, Company Logo and Address Changes Log.
Project History
The project history is list is derived from Fee Proposal information and is read-only.
Contact Detail
To return to the company information layout, click on the company name above the tabs (below the main menu).
Contact Information
Contact Detail contains fields for Personal Title, First Name (include middle initial here), Last Name, Suffix, Business Title, Contact Comments (to make notes about the Contact) and Contact Type. The Address, City, State, Postal Code, Main Phone, Main Fax, and Web Address are from the related Company. To create a new Contact record, choose “New” at the top of window. Either create (following instructions above in Company section) or select an existing company. Fill in the contact’s Business Title, Direct Phone, Mobile Phone, Pager, Email and Other Phone (click on “Other” and use pull down list to specify).
Correspondence keeps track of Faxes, Letters, Memos, Phone Call Minutes, Emails, etc. that are related to a contact. Click the “+” to create a contact-correspondence relationship. Fill in the the Contact, File Management Number, Correspondence Type, Project Number and Written By (by choosing the appropriate item from the lists) and the Date field fills in automatically with the current information (but may be changed). Choose the “Back” button when you are finished.
Resume Information
Resume Information contains fields for additional information about individuals in a firm, used mainly for consultants for marketing purposes. Fields include: Years Experience With Other Firms, Years Experience With This Firm (calculated using Date of Hire), Years Experience Total (calculated by adding Years with Other Firms and Years With This Firm), License Information, Active Registration, Education, and Typical Duty.
Project History
The project history is list is derived from Project Directory information and is read-only.