Getting Started
To make entering your information easier, here are a few suggestions. First, set your Preferences as described in the Preferences help section. Second, enter Staff database information, then Student database information and then Contacts database information (Parents/Guardians, Alumni, Donors, and Affiliates).
This program contains drop-down lists which are generated from information in other files. Entering information in this order will facilitate the accuracy of the drop-down lists and, therefore, alternating between tabs as information is entered will be kept to a minimum.
You can import your information into Membership Keeper. Please see the Help section on importing and see Filemaker® Help for more information.
Getting Started II (The Second Year and Beyond)
After the first year using Membership Keeper, there will be data you want to keep from year to year and data that you want to delete for the current year (i.e. graduating students).
VERY IMPORTANT: First, make sure you have a back up copy of your data. See help topic “Backing-up Data and Archiving” for more information. The backup will be your record of last school year's data.
To change your school year dates you must have an Administrative level password. Click on the “i” icon or go to About Membership Keeper. Click on the Preferences tab. Change your school year to the current school year (i.e. 2014 - 2015) in the School Year field.
To clear information that is no longer pertinent to this school year easily with scripts you must have an Administrative level password. Click on the “i” icon or go to About Membership Keeper. Click on the Scripts tab. Refer to Help Section Preferences - Scripts section for more information.
Clearing Student Information
1) Deleting Graduates: Go to Students tab and then click List in the blue bar. Click on Find at the top of the window. Enter the graduating grade in the grade level box in the list (i.e. enter "5" if 5th graders are your graduating grade level) and press Enter or Perform Find at the top of the window. Click on the header Name if you would like to sort the list by last name. Click on the header Homeroom if you would like to sort the list by homeroom.
Click on the first student in the list. This takes you to the student’s detail and your students are now new in a found set by grade level. To delete the student, select Delete Record at the top of the window for each student (Do NOT use the Delete Found Records... command). When you delete each student, one at a time, some may just delete because they still have a sibling related to Contacts/Households. If there is not a sibling, you will be asked if you want to designate a Contact/Household as alumni or simply delete it from the database. If you click the Alumni button, a window will open with all the Contacts/Households associated with that student. The script will go down the list and ask if you would like to change the Contact/Household's status to Alumni or just delete it. Click Alumni to switch the Contact/Household from Parent type to Alumni type.
2) Clearing the Current Student field: Go to the Students tab and click List in the blue bar. Click Find at the top of the window. Click on the radio button Yes under the Current Student heading. Click Perform Find at the top of the window or press Enter. If students are found, then the Current Student field has not been cleared yet.
To clear the Current Student field (because it is now considered last year's data) for ALL STUDENTS use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Current Student field. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can mark returning students “Yes” for current student.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Current Student and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Current Student field to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Students tab > Student List you will see that the Current Student radio button for all students has been cleared.
After entering new school year data, to find students that are NOT marked current, click on the Students tab at the top of the window and then click List in the blue bar. Click on Find at the top of the window. Click on the radio button Yes for Current Student and then click on the Omit button that is next to the Include button just under the Perform Find Button (or the Omit button to the right of the Yes radio button). Click Perform Find. The students found should no longer be students (double chekck your work!) and can now be deleted by using the same steps above in Deleting Graduates (except do the Find described above on the Current Student field instead of the Grade Level field).
3) Clearing the Student T-Shirt Size field: Go to a Student Detail > Info tab or Student Fees tab, see the T-shirt Size field. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the T-shirt Size field, this field will be cleared for ALL STUDENTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter student’s updated shirt size for the current year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear T-Shirt Size and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear T-Shirt Size to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Students tab > Info tab and peform a find, you will see that the T-shirt size for all students has been cleared.
4) Clearing the Yearbook fields: Go to Student Detail > Student Fees tab, see the Yearbook Count and Yearbook Price fields. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Yearbook Information fields, these fields will be cleared for ALL STUDENTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter information for student who have purchased yearbooks.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Yearbook Info and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Yearbook Info to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Students tab > Student Fees tab and peform a find, you will see that the Yearbook Info for all students has been cleared.
5) Clearing the Student Fee Records and Notes: Go to Student Detail > Student Fees tab, see the Student Fees Notes field and the records in the Student Fees Paid at the bottom. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for deleting the Student Fees records and clearing the Student Fees Notes field, these records and field will be cleared for ALL STUDENTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter student fee information for the current year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Student Fee Info and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Student Fee Info to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Students tab > Student Fees tab and peform a find, you will see that the Student Fee Info for all students has been cleared.
Clearing Contact Information
1) Clearing the Priority field: On the Parents page in the upper right corner, notice the Priority field radio button with “High”, “Medium” or “Low”. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Priority field for Contact Records, this field will be cleared for ALL CONTACTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can rank current contacts for the current school year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Priority and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Yearbook Info to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Parents tab > List, you will see that the Priority field for all parents has been cleared.
2) Clearing the Membership field: On the Parents on the left since, second set of tabs down (same tab with name, contact type and title), notice the Memberships Paid field. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Membership field for Contact Records, this field will be cleared for ALL CONTACTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter new membership numbers for the current school year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Memberships (All Contacts) and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Memberships (All Contacts) to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Parents tab, select a parent and then peform a find, you will see that the Memberships Paid field for all parents has been cleared.
3) Clearing the Questionnaire field: On the Parents page at the bottom of the large set of tabs on the right, notice the Questionnaire field with "Emailed", “Bounced” and “Printed” check boxes. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Questionnaire field for Contact Records, these check boxes will be cleared for ALL CONTACTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can mark contacts as they return their contact information forms and class roster draft edits.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Questionnaire and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Questionnaire to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Parents tab, select a parent and then peform a find, you will see that the Questionnaire field for all parents has been cleared.
4) Clearing the Info Confirmed Via field: On the Parents page in the lower right corner, notice the Info Confirmed Via field with "Email", “Form” and “Roster” check boxes. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Info Confirmed Via field for Contact Records, these check boxes will be cleared for ALL CONTACTS. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can mark contacts as they return their contact information forms and class roster draft edits.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Confirmed Info and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Confirmed Info to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Parents tab, select a parent and then peform a find, you will see that the Confirmed Info field for all parents has been cleared.
Clearing Staff Information
1) Clearing the Membership field: Go to a Staff Detail > Staff Info. tab and notice the Memberships Paid field. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Membership field for Staff Records, this field will be cleared for ALL STAFF. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter new membership numbers for the current school year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Clear Memberships (All Staff) and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Clear Memberships (All Staff) to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Staff tab, select a Staff and then peform a find, you will see that the Memberships Paid field for all Staff has been cleared.
2) Clearing the Room Parent Records: Go to a Staff Detail > Room Parent tab and notice the portal of Room Parents. If you use the New School Year Readiness Script for clearing the Room Parent Records, the Parent records themselves will not be deleted but the parents will no longer show up in this portal as Room Parents ALL STAFF. This is helpful when starting a new school year because now you can enter new membership numbers for the current school year.
To use the New School Year Readiness Scripts (requires Administration Level Password), click on the Integratis Icon in the upper right hand corner, next to the Affiliates button. Click on the Scripts tab on the far right of the tab set. Hover over Delete Room Parent Records and read the Tooltip that pops up in the yellow box. If the tooltip describes what you would ike to do, click on Delete Room Parent Records to run the script. After running the script, if you go to Staff tab, select a Staff and click on the Room Parent tab for all staff, you will see that the Room Parents for all Staff have been cleared.